Sunday, October 18, 2015

Social Media Hiatus - Day #1

I am on a social media hiatus--mind you, I am using the term social media very loosely here. Websites/ apps to avoid include: Twitter, Tumblr, Snapchat, Youtube, and Netflix. They are not to be downloaded on the phone again until next week on the 25th. As for the laptop, I have logged out, and I will use the remaining self-control I have to keep myself from logging in. If it gets difficult, I will change the passwords. This decision was rushed and unanticipated, but I need to clear up my mind from the disattachment they brought. I have been telling myself that I need to be more involved IRL. I am not trying to disconnect myself. I will email one person a day to talk discuss opportunities. Also, while I am at it, I might as well drink more water. My twitter timeline alone is loaded with enough negativity to worry an enthusiatic high school "graduate" over the future of our nation.nMy only hope is when this experiment is over, I do not fall back into old habits.

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