Friday, June 05, 2015

Final Reflection Essay

Reflect on your journey as a writing student during the course of this year? How have you grown as a person as a result of your journey and how did this come out in your writing? Please write at least 5 paragraphs with a well-developed thesis statement including a strong introduction and conclusion.

The last nine months have brought with them many rewards. Although I am no master of prose yet, the way I write has notably developed; I write now more than I ever did before. I am happy with the quality of my words. They are not as complex as they used to be, and they deliver the meaning I want to share with my readers. The only problem is that although my writing style has advanced, my will to produce content has retreaded. I have high hopes for myself. Whatever problems I am facing currently can be solved with the right spirit and yearning for self-improvement, achievements and discovery.

This has been the most exciting year of my life. It is full with personal experiences and new adventures. My journal is full with stories from my days in New York, my interactions with people, the projects I want to take on in the future, and thoughts on how I am growing as a person. And, with all that I have written I feel like I still have much more to share and analyze; yet I have not. This can be attributed to that on some level, I feel like I would lose my sense of privacy. What I wrote in the past did not matter to me as much as what I am writing now does, so it was easier for me to share my thoughts with an audience. Having my life out there for people to examine and have opinions on sounds exciting, but I am not sure whether I have the strength to handle it.

Lately, I have been paying special attention to how the media can stir the public opinion in favor or against governments and institutions. For example, the documents leaked by Ed Snowden proving the US government’s involvement in public surveillance which is against the constitution. The media can choose to portray both sides in ways that serve a greater agenda, and the public would have no clue. The more I think about it, the more I want to understand this system. I realize that there could not be a better way for me to understand the system, until I break in. Taking part in the world of journalism can be how I find more truths and help share them with the people. This class has made more prepared to tackle such issues and discuss them efficiently.

The year is two days from being over, and I am happy to say that I am a better writer. As for my fear from sharing my stories, there has got to be a medium where I can express myself creatively; writing will always be an integral component of the creative process. It may not be easy to pinpoint the growth points, for me at least, but I know that I have grown. Reading, for example, I have been collecting books as a hobby for quite sometime. When it comes to reading the books I own, I always start and give up in the first couple of pages, but now, that I have read a classic such as Frankenstein, I am encouraged to pick up my books again. I want to be in a place in my life where, but I should not wait for things to happen by themselves, and I should step up and finish my work to the best I can.

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