Graduates of 2014,
My friends in year 12,
Finally, it's time to go.. So, remember what you're leaving, and don't let the troughs spoil your triumphs and make them unimportant.
Don't let noises drown your inner voice. And above all, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, somehow they already know what you want to be. Everything else is secondary.
When we part ways, always be the optimist, the hoper of far flung hopes. And as you carry on living, be joyous, and seize every day. Make your story a good one.
For the last three years of my life, wherever I would turn my head, I would find 10 amazing young women behind me, their support made me who I am today. I'm strong because of you, Grade 12. We have learnt so much together, and the mere idea of not seeing your beautiful smiles everyday, does me great heartache.
Thank you for everything. I wish you all the best. I'll always be there for you.
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